Governing Body Membership
The Governing Body of Mauldeth Road Primary School is made up of 17 members, some elected, some appointed and some co-opted:
- The Headteacher
- 1 staff governor (elected by staff)
- 4 parent governors (elected by parents)
- 1 local authority governor (appointed by Manchester City Council)
- 10 co-opted governors (appointed by the GB on the basis of their skills and knowledge)
Except for the Headteacher, all governors serve for four years – this can be repeated.
All governors make a declaration of any pecuniary or relationship interests that they have in the school at the start of each meeting. None have been declared.
The full governing body of all members meets 6 times a year, once each half term. Three of the meetings are purely “business meetings” and the other three are “discussion” or training meetings, when more time is given to such topics as the curriculum, safeguarding, reports linked to governors etc.
The Governing Body (GB) as three main committees:
- Administration, Finance and Personnel (AF&P)
- School Environment and Wellbeing (including Safeguarding) (SEW)
- Teaching and Learning (T&L)
Each governor is appointed a member of two committees, in line with personal preferences. However, all committees are open to all governors to attend. Each committee has three meetings a year. The AF&P meeting in May is a joint meeting with the GB to adopt the budget for the following financial year. The SEW meeting in March involves the annual inspection of the school, when health and safety and access issues are considered.
In brief the Terms of Reference of the Governing Body and its committees are:
Governing Body: Chair 2022- 2023 – Miss J Orchard
- take a strategic role in the running of the school
- act as a critical friend to the school
- be accountable for its decisions
- set aims and objectives
- agree, monitor and review policies, targets and priorities
Administration, Finance and Personnel: Chair 2022 - 2023 – Mr S Pronk
- review and agree the school's proposals for the budget and recommend it to the full governing body
- review the school fund account
- review and keep track of expenditure and report regularly to the governing body
- review and agree staff provision
- agree procedures for staff selection, appointment and performance management
- review and agree staff training programmes
- review and agree pay
- make decisions to dismiss, and to hear appeals. (In this case, different members of the committee are involved in the decision to dismiss and the appeal)
- deal with any administrative matters which may arise.
School Environment and Wellbeing: Chair 2022- 2023 – Mr A McMahon
- review the use of the school’s premises, grounds and extended facilities
- ensure health and safety of children, staff and visitors to the school
- monitor the safeguarding of children, including training of governors in safeguarding
- promote the physical and mental health of the children (including the provision of healthy and satisfying school meals and any alterations needed to the buildings to comply with disability discrimination regulations)
Teaching and Learning: Chair 2022- 2023 – Mrs N Hanif-Ahmed
- monitor the teaching of the national curriculum
- monitor test results
- review the assessment policy
- review the school visit policy
- review the school's provision and policy on relationship and sex education, (RSE) collective worship and RE
- monitor provision for pupils with special educational needs, disabilities or exceptional abilities