Year 3 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our Year 3 class page
Miss Macdonald is the class teacher in Class 3M.
Mr Kincaid is the class teacher in Class 3K.
On this page, you will find information about the core subjects for this year, foundation subjects for each term and links to educational websites.
Core Subjects
We follow the objectives set in the National Curriculum. Below are links to these documents for the core subjects.
Click on the subject to see the National Curriculum objectives.
Mathematics |
English | Science |
Foundation Subjects
History |
Geography |
Forest School | Art | D&T |
Computing |
Physical Education |
PHSE | R.E | Spanish |
Here are the topic letters for each half term:
Useful Documents
Year 3 and 4 Staturory Spelling List:
Home Learning
Reading: Thank you in advance for all your support and encouragement from home. Our recommendation is that the children read every night for at least 15 minutes and talk to you about what they have read. Please discuss any new vocabulary that may appear in the text.
The reading books are changed on Wednesday.
Times tables: In Year 3 times tables and the related division facts are used regularly in lessons so please practice these regularly at home. E.G. 3 x 4 =12 so 12 ÷ 4 = 3. The children focus on the 3, 4 and 8 times tables this year.
Spellings: These will be tested weekly on Fridays. Please use the spelling booklet to work on spellings each week. It can be downloaded below:
Educational Websites